Photo of 3 Ways to Learn SOLIDWORKS

With the average CAD Engineer salary hovering around $75,000 (depending on location), 3D Modelers are increasingly in high demand and offer lucrative opportunities for individuals looking to hone their CAD skills. SOLIDWORKS is the leading CAD Design Software in the world, and there are a wide array of outlets to learn this high-paying skill:

  1. YouTube – Mechanics and handymen will agree, YouTube is simply the best repository for free education references on virtually any topic. If you’re working with CAD and get stuck, try searching through YouTube to help work through those challenging design tasks! 
  2. Local Events – SOLIDWORKS boasts a user community of millions of users worldwide and hosts frequent in-person events to talk all things CAD. Check out this event in Santa Ana, CA on 10/20 to learn about “What’s New with SOLIDWORKS 2023”!
  4. NTMA’s Advanced Training – In our Advanced Training Program, we teach a variety of Engineering Software classes, including SOLIDWORKS. To speak to a representative at NTMA about our SOLIDWORKS course, please contact us here

Everything from basic fundamentals, to complex 3D modeling, we offer an array of Design and Programming courses here at NTMA. Whether you’re just starting out, or have decades of experience in the Manufacturing industry, we offer courses that fit the needs of everyone who’s looking to progress in their career! To learn more about our Advanced Training offerings/courses, visit us at: